Our off-piste lunches are leaving the Union cellars looking a little bare, and so we’re calling on some dear wine friends to come to our aid.
In May we’ll be joined by Lisse Garnett.
Like many a twit associated with wine I came to it by accident. Once the traditional trade of spare chinless poshington sons, trustafarian wannabes and failed actors – today the wine trade will let absolutely anyone in.
As an ex BBC Newsreader, waitress, land agent, South American wine importer, whisky tour guide and prison lecturer, there are few jobs I haven’t tried.
To hospitality, history, journalism and the vine I have remained relatively true.
Join me on a lunch of shameless surplanting – when we will taste the old world and the new side by side..
From the black Malbec of Cahors transported in tall ships to Chile and Agentina
To conquistador Communion sup growing in California and beyond – we will taste new expressions of ancient grapes and sample varieties that will definitely ignite your interest – the rules are NO RULES – come to be sensually stimulated and speak out, wine is subjective and opionated gobshites are welcome. I will bring some rare and poncy bottles of my own too. Lets have some fun and enjoy the wine together – all accompanied by the finest scoff known to humanity courtesy of The Union’s most excellent kitchen.
Tickets for this wine adventure are £100 per person, including a more-than-generous selection of wines to sample. Pure bliss!
Secure your spot at this not-to-be-missed occasion… it does have a tendency to sell out.
Sign up here to be the first to know about our future wine events.
Refunds subject to re-sale of tickets. Please give us at least 48 hours’ notice if your plans change.